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Monday, April 14, 2008

GM settles on final design for Chevrolet Volt

Larry Burns, VP of Research and Development at GM has confirmed the carmaker has settled on a final design for the much anticipated Chevrolet Volt plug-in hybrid, the car GM hopes will bring it back into competition against Toyota’s Prius and a host of new hybrid and electric cars.

While the production version won’t look exactly like the stunning concept, Burns has stated the production Volt will definitely bear a “family resemblance” to it. Reportedly, drag on the production version is 30% less than the hard-edged concept Volt, suggesting it has taken on a more rounded and friendly appearance. Pictured above is an official teaser that hints at the design of the final version.

The Volt is powered by an ‘E-Flex’ plug-in hybrid system, consisting of a lithium-ion battery with an electric-only driving range of around 40 miles. It also has a small, flex-fuel engine to recharge the battery on the road. So far the biggest hurdles for GM was shoehorning the large batteries and engine into the car and still having enough room for four adults and their luggage, reports The Detroit News.

With production expected to begin in just a couple of years, GM seems well on the way to ironing out any issues the Volt may have - batteries have already been produced that satisfied safety and size requirements but long-term durability testing is currently under way to determine their life expectancy.

The Volt is shaping up to be the car that will make or break GM this decade, with Vice-Chairman of GM, Bob Lutz, recently expounding on the massive opportunity that GM missed by not developing a hybrid program earlier. But the mistake seems to have strengthened Lutz’s resolve, who stated in a blog entry that GM “are going for the brass ring” with the Volt.

Chevrolet Volt plug-in hybrid concept

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